My Husband Suffered a Back Injury While Delivering in a Retail Store

  Question: My husband injured his back while working at a store for his employer who’s business is distribution of consumer goods to retail stores. After seeing an orthopedic surgeon it was determined that he had a herniated disc in his lower back. He also saw the company’s doctor for an IME and he too…

I was Injured on the Job as a Railroad Employee…

  Question: I was injured on the job as a railroad employee. I had massive rotator cuff repair, the doctors have told me I am not going to return to my job. I am drawing railroad retirement disability, my employer terminated mine and my dependents medical insurance, saying that I have to pay $900.00 a…

Repetitive Injury

  Question: I am a railroad employee and I was injured. I have a repetitive stress injury to the wrist and hands. I want to have a simple sugury to correct this problem, yet the doctor I’m seeing keeps giving me different medication, pain relievers, which I don’t want to take. I am also not…

Ongoing Worker’s Comp Case Under the Longshoreman and Harbor Workers’ Act

  Question: I have an ongoing workers comp case that falls under the Federal Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Act that’s going fine, but my question is regarding the company I was working for. I told them of my concerns about the way they had me doing the job.  The project manager said to do it this…

My Workers’ Comp Insurance Won’t Cover the Vehicle I Need

  Question: I have a work comp case. I fell off a house at work and I’m now paralyzed from waist down; T-10 complete paralysis. I left my comp case open and am getting my wages and medical. I thought the work comp insurance was responsible for buying me a van. I turned in a…

4 Common Construction Site Dangers to be Aware of

Construction sites are generally dangerous places to work due to the amount of heavy machinery and equipment, unstable structures and other hazards on site. Because of these risks, serious injuries and fatalities are common, and there are many accidents in this industry each year.

Proving Liability in Illinois Personal Injury Cases

Each year, a significant number of people in the United States sustain serious injuries due to the negligence of others. There is no negligence without a “duty.” People or companies must owe you a duty in order for them to negligent and therefore liable. The law in Illinois determines who owes a duty to another, and…

3 Common Construction Site Hazards

30By their nature, construction sites are dangerous places to work. Unfinished buildings, trenches, power tools and exposure to outdoor elements all contribute to making construction work one of the most dangerous professions in the United States. According to the United States Department of Labor, more than 6 million people work at an estimated 250,000 construction…

5 Common Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries are surprisingly common, and they can be debilitating if you do not handle them in the correct manner. Workplace injuries are not just a reality in high-risk professions like construction; they can affect anyone regardless of the job.

3 Important Questions Regarding Construction Accidents

  Important Questions Regarding Construction Accidents Construction workers play a vital role in social development by erecting houses, offices and bridges, as well as maintaining and repairing infrastructure. Their work is difficult and dangerous, and they operate in some of the most hazardous and taxing situations. Despite strict safety regulations, construction site accidents still occur,…