Thumb Sprain Resulting In Complex Regional Pain Syndrome ($960,000 Plus Benefits)

A woman recovered $960,000.00 plus 5 years of weekly benefits and her medical bills covered after hyper-extending her thumb while at work.

The Case

The store clerk was working a cash register at Home Depot. She picked up a gallon jug of water which fell and hyper-extended her thumb. The resulting injury was far worse then anyone anticipated. Her seemingly minor condition progressed into Complex Regional Pain Syndrome – a serious, debilitating disease.

The store clerk fired her prior lawyer and hired Marc Perper, a workers’ compensation lawyer and Partner at Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates.

In-Depth Look

Workers’ compensation recoveries are limited by statute, thus a recovery of this magnitude is unusual – considering the statutory caps under the no-fault Workers’ Compensation.

The defendant took video surveillance of the clerk gardening and refused to pay her benefits.

Marc Perper convinved the employer to send the clerk to the foremost specialists in pain management in Chicago and perhaps in the country. After a lengthy battle, the employer paid the claim. As she was only earning $10 per hour, her weekly workers’ compensation rate was low; yet because of the severity of the injury, she was able to recover well over a million dollars in her Workers’ Compensation case.