My Husband Suffered a Back Injury While Delivering in a Retail Store

  Question: My husband injured his back while working at a store for his employer who’s business is distribution of consumer goods to retail stores. After seeing an orthopedic surgeon it was determined that he had a herniated disc in his lower back. He also saw the company’s doctor for an IME and he too…

How to Determine the Claim Amount in a Back Injury Case

Back injuries are far more common than many people realize. According to the United States Department of Labor, there were more than 170,000 worker’s compensation cases involving back injuries in 2013. If you include statistics related to other back injury causes, including car accidents and slips and falls, the number is significantly higher. Back injuries can…

The Five Most Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

Psychological Trauma Many people only consider the obvious physical injuries in the aftermath of a serious accident, but according to AAFP, emotional trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are equally damaging. Aside from combat, car accidents cause more cases of PTSD than any other event or situation. Even if the crash caused no physical injuries,…

Personal Injury: Golf Injuries

  Personal Injury Golf Related Injuries According to the National Golf Foundation there are just under 13 million core golfers and over 27 million golfers in the U.S. and that number continues to grow. A typical golfer will play around 35 rounds a year not including all the time they spend practicing. As the game…