How to obtain a cash settlement for your insurance claim

Life doesn’t come to a stop after being injured in an accident. If anything, the pressing matters that come daily often seem to build, growing into a mountain of problems that need solving. There are many tasks you are equipped to handle, but taking on the critical responsibility of negotiating with insurance companies while you…

Can you sue after signing a waiver?

When was the last time you went to a trampoline park or rode a jet ski? What about visiting a haunted house or an escape room? You may remember signing a waiver before the fun, but what exactly did it mean? Waivers are meant to provide legal security for those managing risky activities, but these…

Illinois Halloween laws to remember this fall

Halloween is often celebrated as a way to step out of your everyday life and become someone, or something, else. Princesses, movie stars, superheroes, witches, wizards, monsters – the list goes on for how children and adults may wish to dash about their neighborhoods in search of treats. However, our state is famous for some…

What happens when you reject an insurance settlement offer?

An injury can strike in the most unexpected moments at work, on the road, running errands at the grocery store, or any place you go throughout a busy day. Time off from work, daily chores, doctor visits, and medical bills often come together to produce an overwhelming uncertainty about managing a pileup of life’s events….

Common LASIK eye surgery mistakes

LASIK eye surgery has grown in popularity since its development in 1990, and millions of individuals have benefited from this revolutionary treatment for vision problems. However,  there are a number of practitioners performing LASIK who are not fully capable. The result is medical malpractice that leaves patients with a variety of new vision maladies. When…

Statute of repose vs. statute of limitations: What you need to know

Undertaking a legal action such as a civil lawsuit can be confusing and intimidating. There are many terms, statutes, and requirements that must be followed if your case is to be successful. Two of particular importance are the statute of repose and the statute of limitations. Each one relates to when you may bring a…

How to choose a motorcycle helmet

Whether you are a beginner motorcycle rider or a long-time motorcycle enthusiast with many years of riding experience, you must know how to choose a motorcycle helmet. This is one of the most important tasks before you get on your bike. You may need to know what to look for as well as what are…

Road rage accidents in Chicago: Leave your temper at home

Chicago roadways are often congested with everyday commuters and visitors. More cars are on the streets, driven by people who may become angry and aggressive. However, getting worked up behind the wheel puts everyone in danger when those emotions translate into road rage accidents in Chicago. Leave your temper at home and protect yourself and…

How do you prove a birth injury?

If you decide to file a birth injury malpractice claim, one of the most important parts of this process is showing proof that the birth injury occurred and that it was the healthcare provider or hospital’s fault. A Chicago birth injury lawyer from Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates has the education, experience, and skills to help…

Back injury prevention for workers: Stay safe on the job

Suffering a back injury at work is one of the worst things a worker can experience. It hurts when the injury occurs and can lead to weeks, months, or even years of excruciating pain. Many workers state that their back is never the same after they have experienced a back injury. It is important to…