What you need to know about spring break car accidents

Spring break puts more cars on the road, frequently with inebriated partygoers behind the wheel. When these drivers cause you injury and property damage, you need guidance in understanding your legal right to seek compensation. Connect with a Chicago car accident lawyer from Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates If you are involved in a spring break car accident caused by someone else’s negligence. We can help.

spring break car accidents

Why are there more accidents during spring break?

Common reasons why more traffic accidents occur during spring break include:

  • More cars are on the road: Spring break attendees often drive to their destination, bringing more cars to specific roads, increasing traffic volume and the probability of accidents.
  • Drivers experience more distractions: Groups traveling in one vehicle make for more distracted driving. Eating, drinking, adjusting music, singing along, talking, and laughing are dangerous distractions when driving. The National Safety Council (NSC) reports drivers within the spring break age group (16-24) have the highest rates of using hand-held devices while driving.
  • More drivers with less experience are on the road: Younger drivers have less driving experience and are often unfamiliar with the roads once they arrive at their destination.
  • Drivers are often fatigued while behind the wheel: Many spring-breakers spend long hours on the road to spend more time at their destination, leaving them sleepy while operating their vehicles. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports drowsy drivers are less capable of paying attention to the road, have slowed reaction times, and experience diminished ability to make good driving decisions.

A University of Miami study found increased traffic fatalities from the last week of February through the first week of April. Researchers compared the number of fatalities in spring break destinations to those in other areas. Specific findings revealed:

  • Weekly car-crash fatalities were 9.1% higher during spring break season and at hot spots than compared to other weeks of the year–the equivalent of 16 more traffic fatalities per year in those areas.
  • Crash fatalities more often involved out-of-state drivers vs. in-state drivers.
  • Crash fatalities involving drivers under age 25 vs. older drivers were much more common.
  • Other areas (not hot spots) in hot-spot states did not see increased crash fatalities during the spring break season.

The University of Miami study did not see significant statistical differences between crash fatalities involving alcohol-impaired drivers vs. unimpaired drivers.

How can you protect yourself from a spring break car accident?

You can take several practical measures to protect yourself from involvement in spring break car accidents. One of the most important ones is never to drive while under the influence of alcohol or drugs or if you are tired. Instead, use rideshare services or transportation available through your hotel or resort. Don’t let others in your group drive while impaired or tired.

Other actions include:

  • Park your vehicle safely to reduce the risk of damage from unsafe drivers.
  • Call the authorities for help at the accident scene to ensure you have an official accident report.
  • Get medical attention even if you think your injuries are minor.

Pain or other dangerous symptoms sometimes do not appear for a few hours, so protect your well-being and your potential injury claim by seeking prompt care. Then, contact a Chicago car accident lawyer at Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates.

How can a Chicago car accident lawyer help?

If you have been involved in a spring break car accident, you have the right to seek compensation, no matter whether your accident occurs in Chicago or elsewhere. The car accident attorneys at Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates can help you with that pursuit. We’ll help you determine where to file your claim and any statutes that specifically apply to your case.

Knowing the laws of the state where the accident occurred and where the at-fault party resides are key factors in determining the next steps in your case. If there are multiple at-fault parties, untangling the possibilities becomes more complicated. With our experience and network of professionals, we can interpret the laws that will govern your claim and determine the correct jurisdiction for any legal action.

Our team can also guide you through insurance concerns. Though every state has its insurance requirements, if you follow your home-state practices, your insurance covers you for out-of-state accidents. Still, navigating the particulars can be challenging, so an experienced car accident attorney’s help will prove critical.

We’re ready, willing, and more than able to help

Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates is committed to helping injured Illinois residents get justice. Call  (800) 985-1819 or send a message to get the answers you need from an experienced Chicago car accident lawyer. We will review your spring-break car accident case for free and help you follow the best path forward.