Braulio Lozano Died After After Fall While Installing Solar Panels In Gurnee
Wrongful Death - February 7, 2024
28-Year-Old Braulio Lozano, of Chicago, Died In Gurnee Accident While Installing Solar Panels At Home on Liberty Lane
GURNEE, ILLINOIS (February 7, 2024) – A 28-year-old worker identified as Braulio Lozano has tragically died after falling from the roof of a Gurnee home on Liberty Lane.
Lake County officials are saying that the accident took place around 3:30 p.m. on Friday. Braulio Lozano was installing solar panels on a roof when he fell from the two story home.
The worker was part of a crew of people when the accident took place. Paramedics were called to the scene in order to help the victim.
When medics arrived, the worker was unresponsive but breathing. Braulio Lozano was taken to the hospital in critical condition where he was later pronounced dead.
A full investigation by Gurnee police and OSHA remains ongoing.
Liability For Gurnee Workplace Accidents
Workers at elevated heights are particularly vulnerable to serious injuries from falls. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Falls remain the leading cause of work-related deaths in construction, accounting for more than one in three (36.4%) of the total number of fatalities in this industry (401 of the 991 construction fatalities recorded in 2019 were falls to a lower level).” There are a number of measures that employers should take in order to protect workers from falls.
- Any employee working at a height of six feet or higher from a lower level should have a personal fall arrest system.
- Employees should have access to the right equipment including ladders and scaffolds.
- Certain areas or scaffolds may need guardrails as an additional layer of protection.
When a worker is injured or killed on the job, they or their family will typically have recourse through the worker’s compensation system. Worker’s compensation in Illinois is not based on fault or negligence. In other words, an injured worker or their family will not have to demonstrate anyone acted improperly in order to be taken care of through worker’s compensation.
Depending on the facts of any case, there could also be a third party claim in any workplace accident. A third party claim may be possible if an entity separate from a worker’s employer contributed to an accident. For example, a general contractor could face liability for an accident if it failed to provide a worker with a safe environment. This may happen if the contractor failed to follow third-party contractor safety policies and procedures. Several steps should be taken after any workplace accident.
- The safety equipment that a worker received prior to any accident should be documented.
- The nature and condition of the equipment they received should be noted.
- Medical records related to the accident should be preserved.
- Eye witnesses should be interviewed.
Falls are highly preventable in the construction and solar installation industries. They can be almost entirely eliminated when workers have personal fall arrest systems. But far too often safety measures are skipped or not followed properly in order to expedite the speed at which jobs are finished. At the end of the day, it is workers and their families who often pay the ultimate price for these safety lapses.
Investigating Gurnee Workplace Accidents
We at Horwitz Horwitz & Associates extend our deepest condolences to the family of Braulio Lozano. Any person that may have more information about what happened should reach out to OSHA. There needs to be a thorough investigation for the sake of this man’s family. No one who is working hard to provide for their family should have to risk their lives due to safety lapses.
Do you need more information about a Gurnee workplace accident? Our team of workplace safety advocates are here to answer any questions that you may have. We care deeply that workers are aware of their rights and that companies are following OSHA guidelines and state law. Whether you just have legal questions or need a free, independent investigation into any incident we are here for you. You can reach out to us anytime at (312) 564-4256.