DGL Group Recalls Hover-1 Dynamo E-Scooters Over Crash Hazard

DGL Group Issues Recall For Hover-1 Dynamo E-Scooters Sold On Walmart’s Website Due To Crash Hazard

DGL Group Recalls Hover-1 Dynamo E-Scooters Over Crash Hazard

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (July 31, 2024) – DGL Group has issued a recall for its over-1 Dynamo E-Scooters because they pose a serious injury and crash risk.

The recall was issued on July 25, 2024. Around 4,200 Hover-1 Dynamo E-scooters were sold, and they could be purchased exclusively through Walmart.com.

DGL Group issued the recall after receiving 22 reports of the e-scooter’s brakes failing. These accidents have resulted in several injuries, including abrasions, contusions, a dislocated shoulder, fractured teeth, lacerations, and strains.

A full investigation into all of the accidents remains ongoing at this time.

Liability For E-Scooter Accidents

E-scooters have become increasingly popular and are involved in a number of serious accidents every year. According to Anesthesiology News, “Data from a Consumer Product Safety Commission report released in October 2023 indicated that injuries from e-bikes and e-scooters increased by nearly 21% in 2022 from 2021.” A number of these accidents involve e-scooters that malfunctioned in some way. What follows are some of the problems that people have reported with their e-scooters.

  • A number of e-scooter collisions have involved brake problems.
  • The throttle on e-scooters can stick and put the driver in serious peril.
  • E-scooters can have structural failures that may lead them to collapse in the middle of a ride.

Companies that manufacture e-scooters have a legal obligation to create products that are reasonably safe. In general, companies can be held strictly liable when their products have design defects that contribute to accidents. This could include defects that cause the brakes on these devices to fail. Victims of e-scooter accidents tend to suffer very serious and costly injuries.

  • Broken bones
  • Head injuries
  • Lacerations
  • Spinal cord injuries

E-scooter accidents can be very traumatic for both victims and their families. Many of these accidents are totally preventable. They tend to occur when product manufacturers are not following safety guidelines. In certain instances, companies may fail to adequately test their devices in order to ensure that they are safe. Any person injured in a scooter accident may have legal recourse through a civil claim.

Getting Legal Help After An E-Scooter Accident

We at Horwitz Horwitz & Associates were deeply concerned to hear about the Hover-1 Dynamo e-scooter accidents. It is our sincere hope that all of those injured will be able to make a full recovery. There needs to be some accountability for the sake of all of the victims.

Have you or someone that you care about been injured while using the Hover-1 Dynamo e-scooters? You may be entitled to financial compensation for your injuries. Our team of personal injury attorneys is here to answer any questions that you may have. We are committed to helping accident victims get the medical and financial support that they need in order to recover. You can reach out to us anytime at (312) 564-4256.