4 Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes
Motorcycle Accident,Personal Injury - March 28, 2024 by Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates
Accident Prevention: 4 Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes
Even the best and most cautious motorcycle riders can get into collisions, and injuries sustained in a riding crash can be severe. Motorcycles provide limited protection and are unstable by nature, and other drivers on the road often have trouble spotting them. For these reasons, it is important to be particularly vigilant as an operator of any vehicle, whether it is a motorcycle or not, and to remain aware of how quickly accidents can happen.
Here are four common causes of serious motorcycle accidents:
Left-Turning Cars
According to the Insurance Information Institute, nearly 5,000 peopled died in motorcycle crashes in 2013. A significant percentage of these deaths occurred from crashes that involved a car and a motorcycle.
Cars typically strike bikes at intersections while the bike is passing the vehicle. Many of these crashes involve a left-turning vehicle, and in a lot of these cases, the liability will fall on the driver of the car, unless the motorcyclist was speeding or riding in the wrong lane.
Head-On Collisions
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the majority of serious motorcycle accidents occur when a car crashes head-on into a motorbike. These accidents are almost always fatal or cause severe injuries. Rear-end collisions between motorcycles and cars are much less common, accounting for approximately 5 percent of serious injury crashes.
Lane Splitting
Lane splitting in Illinois is not legal but this doesn’t mean the rider will bear 100% of the fault in an event of an accident. Lane splitting occurs when a motorcyclist rides between two lanes of vehicles, often during heavy traffic, and it commonly leads to collisions. Because motorcycles are so small, drivers rarely see them approaching, and a sudden lane change can result in a serious accident. It is also difficult to maneuver around a car given the limited space, and in these situations, the motorcyclist often has no choice but to brace for impact.
Negligent Riding
Negligent motorcycle riders cause a significant percentage of crashes, and as much as 50 percent of serious accidents involve high speed or alcohol. By following the rules of the road and only driving while sober, a motorcyclist can substantially decrease the chances of getting into a crash.
If you are suffering from injuries sustained in a serious Illinois motorcycle crash, a Chicago motorcycle accident attorney may be able to help. As an accident victim, you may be eligible for compensation for lost wages and medical expenses.
Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates has been representing Illinois’ injured since 1924, and we have recovered more than $1 billion in verdicts and settlements for hardworking families across the state of Illinois. Call us today at (800)-985-1819 to schedule an appointment for a free consultation.