What you need to know about injuries as part of a railroad workers union

The railway industry is governed by different workers’ compensation policies than private industries, so it’s important that you know what to do after a workplace injury. Filing the appropriate claim can ensure that you receive the compensation and benefits to which you’re entitled. Types of railroad injuries According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,…

Cameras in nursing homes: What’s legal and what’s not

Nursing home abuse is far too common, and prevention is the best defense. In an effort to protect the safety of residents, nursing homes and loved ones may consider installing cameras in residents’ rooms. But is this legal? The answer largely depends on where you live. Illinois, like many other states, has laws that regulate…

Most dangerous roads in Chicago

The City of Chicago keeps a public log of crash data, making it easy to identify which roads are the most dangerous. While nobody can guarantee a safe journey, knowing which roads pose greater dangers can help everyone take extra precautions when navigating them. We analyzed data on traffic crashes between January and December 2022…

Regulations and reporting requirements for wildlife collisions

When driving in Illinois, it’s not uncommon to see or accidentally hit wild animals. In 2021, Illinois ranked 5th in the nation for the number of animal collision claims. If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, you might be legally obligated to take certain actions. Keep reading to learn more, and contact the personal…

How labor shortages in Illinois unions lead to injury

Illinois skilled trade labor unions have strict regulations about the necessary training, education, and apprenticeships required to be a skilled trades worker, but they also offer ongoing skills training for their members. Labor unions protect their members by requiring that companies follow their strict safety protocols and by including safety measures as part of the…

7 mistakes truckers make in winter weather that causes accident

It’s hard enough controlling a passenger vehicle when the roads get icy, but trying to keep control of an 80,000-pound machine can be almost impossible. Unfortunately, truck drivers continue to make mistakes that result in devastating collisions. You’ll learn about seven of the most common ones in this article. 1. Neglecting vehicle maintenance When a…

How to know if you have a strong personal injury claim

If you were injured due to someone else’s reckless actions, you may be able to recover compensation through a personal injury claim. But you’ll only be successful if your claim contains the following elements: liability, damages, and collectibility. We’ll discuss each of these elements and why they’re necessary to make a strong personal injury case….

Paraplegia vs. quadriplegia: injury claims and compensation

Spinal cord injuries occur in a matter of seconds, but the damage they inflict can last a lifetime. Paralysis is one of the most serious complications of spinal cord injury, and whether it’s limited to the legs (paraplegia) or arms and legs (quadriplegia), these injuries are extremely costly to treat. The good news is, you…

Look out for these unsafe working conditions (and what to do if you see one at work)

Being injured while trying to support your family is the last thing that you expect to happen in the workplace. If you were injured due to a health or safety hazard on the job, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries, their associated costs, and the impact on your earning ability.  Keep reading…

5 Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If you were injured on the job, our attorneys at Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates are available to review your case. In the following article, we’ll explore five different types of workers’ compensation benefits you could be entitled to following your injury and how a local Chicago workers’ compensation attorney can help. If you have more…