What damages are recoverable in construction accident lawsuits?

Suffering an injury that leaves you unable to work in the capacity as before can be devastating. It could leave you with bills that you don’t know how to pay.  Thankfully, our Chicago construction accident lawyers are experts at recovering maximum compensation for clients. Keep reading to learn the types of damages that you may…

What rights does a subcontractor have against the owner and general contractor?

On most construction projects, a business owner or property manager will hire a general contractor who then enlists the services of various subcontractors in different trades. In these cases, if a subcontractor fails to receive payment, they have the right to recover those funds from the general contractor.  Knowing your rights, and having those rights…

Can I still sue if I got a citation in a car accident?

Receiving a citation in a car accident does not necessarily mean that you’re liable for the accident and responsible for covering any associated costs and damages. When you’re injured in a car accident that was caused by someone or something else, you could be entitled to compensation for your damages from the insurance company of…

What are some complications of amputation?

Although there are many potential complications from an amputation operation that may result in significant costs and damages, the most common include wound infection, phantom limb pain, stump pain, wound dehiscence, and stump osteomyelitis. If you’ve been injured and experienced complications from an amputation operation, you could be entitled to compensation for the associated costs…

Can I still receive Illinois workers’ comp benefits if I didn’t miss work?

If you gave your employer timely notification of your injury or illness and you meet the eligibility requirements below, you’re likely still eligible to receive some Illinois workers’ compensation benefits even if you didn’t miss work. Although filing a claim can be complicated, it’s important that you receive proper compensation and benefits for an injury…

How do you prove elder financial abuse?

Financial elder abuse is the illegal, unauthorized, or improper use of an elder’s money, benefits, belongings, property, or assets for the benefit of someone other than the elder. This can include outright theft of property or accepting transactions for which the elderly person does not have the mental or cognitive competence to make. If you…

Is workplace violence covered by workers’ compensation?

Generally, injuries caused by workplace violence should be covered by workers’ compensation.  If an employee is harmed at work while doing their job, workers’ comp must provide compensation for their injuries. That means acts of violence that occur in the workplace while under the scope of employment should be covered by workers’ compensation. However, there…

What are some ways to prevent heat-related injuries on construction sites?

Construction workers, especially those working on roads, roofing, or other outdoor work are at an increased risk of heat-related injuries compared to workers in other industries. Nearly 4 in 10 heat-related work deaths happen in the construction industry. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) notes that the majority of outdoor fatalities, some 50-70%, happen…

Who pays for the rental car after an accident?

After you’re in a car accident, it can feel like a million things are added to your to-do list. Insurance papers, police reports, and medical treatment are all suddenly on your plate. But if you weren’t too badly injured or are healed and ready to drive again, the next thing on your list is to…

Can a lawyer settle without my consent?

A lawyer is never meant to settle a client’s case without their consent, which can only be given when the client is made fully aware of the options available in the case. Being made “fully aware” of those options can be complicated, as we’ll discuss below. You’re protected by fiduciary duty and Illinois law Your…