Paraplegia vs. quadriplegia: injury claims and compensation

Spinal cord injuries occur in a matter of seconds, but the damage they inflict can last a lifetime. Paralysis is one of the most serious complications of spinal cord injury, and whether it’s limited to the legs (paraplegia) or arms and legs (quadriplegia), these injuries are extremely costly to treat. The good news is, you…

Look out for these unsafe working conditions (and what to do if you see one at work)

Being injured while trying to support your family is the last thing that you expect to happen in the workplace. If you were injured due to a health or safety hazard on the job, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries, their associated costs, and the impact on your earning ability.  Keep reading…

5 Types of Workers’ Compensation Benefits

If you were injured on the job, our attorneys at Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates are available to review your case. In the following article, we’ll explore five different types of workers’ compensation benefits you could be entitled to following your injury and how a local Chicago workers’ compensation attorney can help. If you have more…

Tips to Prevent Elder Financial Abuse In a Nursing Home

Elder financial abuse happens when the resources of an elder or disabled person are compromised.  As we’ll explore, this often happens in nursing homes or assisted care facilities, but it can also happen as a result of in-home care or even outright theft. If you or a loved one has been a victim of elder…

Here’s What Happens if You Crash a Financed Car

Even when car accidents don’t result in injuries, they can still turn out to be extremely expensive. But what about when you still owed money on your car before the accident?  If you financed your car, that essentially means that you don’t fully own your car. There are a few scenarios that warrant different outcomes….

Surveillance in Personal Injury Cases: What Insurance Companies Can and Cannot Use

To help reduce the amount paid out to you, insurance companies are known to hire private investigators and other surveillance experts to watch you after the accident. Their goal is to find you doing activities that diminish the severity of your injury. An attorney helps to even the playing field against the insurance company. However,…

Construction Worker Injuries: A Huge Issue in Landscape Architecture

Getting injured on the job is no picnic. While a workplace injury will generally entitle the victim to workers’ compensation, additional compensation may be available if a construction worker’s injury was caused by the negligence of a third party, such as a landscape architect. If you or a loved one has been injured on the…

Types of amputation and what they could mean for your case

Some industries are more at risk of experiencing injuries, such as power press operators, who account for around 10% of all amputation injuries each year, with some 49% of injuries to power press operators resulting in amputations. Motor vehicle collisions are also a leading cause of amputations. Whatever the cause of your amputation, the costs…

Autopsy report vs. death certificate: What’s the difference?

No amount of compensation can replace the loss of your loved one. However, a wrongful death claim might put you and your family in a better financial position. Compensation for wrongful death may include money for medical bills, funeral expenses, the loss of the financial contributions of your lost loved one to your household, and…

Top 5 strange personal injury cases

Injuries can lead to expensive medical bills and impact your ability to work and support yourself and your family. But when you’re injured in an accident or incident that was caused by someone else, you could be entitled to compensation to cover all the costs and damages associated with your injury.  Collecting the compensation that…