4 Common Construction Site Dangers to be Aware of

Construction sites are generally dangerous places to work due to the amount of heavy machinery and equipment, unstable structures and other hazards on site. Because of these risks, serious injuries and fatalities are common, and there are many accidents in this industry each year.

Serious Brain Injury Warning Signs

Serious brain injuries are among the most common and debilitating effects of car accidents, and anyone who is in a serious crash is at risk of sustaining one. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are more than 1.7 million deaths and emergency room visits per year due to traumatic brain injuries,…

Proving Liability in Illinois Personal Injury Cases

Each year, a significant number of people in the United States sustain serious injuries due to the negligence of others. There is no negligence without a “duty.” People or companies must owe you a duty in order for them to negligent and therefore liable. The law in Illinois determines who owes a duty to another, and…

3 Common Construction Site Hazards

30By their nature, construction sites are dangerous places to work. Unfinished buildings, trenches, power tools and exposure to outdoor elements all contribute to making construction work one of the most dangerous professions in the United States. According to the United States Department of Labor, more than 6 million people work at an estimated 250,000 construction…

Accidents Between Bicycles and Cars at Intersections

Most big cities in the United States have bicycle lanes that separate vehicles from bikes, but it is inevitable that at some point during the ride, a cyclist will share the road with a car. Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that slightly more than 10 percent of serious bicycle accidents…

How to Determine the Claim Amount in a Back Injury Case

Back injuries are far more common than many people realize. According to the United States Department of Labor, there were more than 170,000 worker’s compensation cases involving back injuries in 2013. If you include statistics related to other back injury causes, including car accidents and slips and falls, the number is significantly higher. Back injuries can…

4 Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes

  Accident Prevention: 4 Common Causes of Motorcycle Crashes Even the best and most cautious motorcycle riders can get into collisions, and injuries sustained in a riding crash can be severe. Motorcycles provide limited protection and are unstable by nature, and other drivers on the road often have trouble spotting them. For these reasons, it…

Determining Liability in Car Crashes

A serious car accident can leave you with debilitating injuries, and if you intend to file a claim for damages from the negligent driver or from an insurance company, you may encounter the complicated process of proving fault or liability. In most cases, you will need to establish negligence in order to file a successful…

The Five Most Common Types of Car Accident Injuries

Psychological Trauma Many people only consider the obvious physical injuries in the aftermath of a serious accident, but according to AAFP, emotional trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are equally damaging. Aside from combat, car accidents cause more cases of PTSD than any other event or situation. Even if the crash caused no physical injuries,…

5 Common Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries are surprisingly common, and they can be debilitating if you do not handle them in the correct manner. Workplace injuries are not just a reality in high-risk professions like construction; they can affect anyone regardless of the job.