Workers’ Comp is Refusing to Pay for All of My Care

workers comp refuses to pay


I am an RN. A patient of mine fell out of bed. Two nursing assistants and I assisted the patient back into bed after she stated that she could stand. Two days later I started to have severe lower back pain.
Currently I am in physical therapy, I have had 3 steroid injections into my lower back which have not worked. I am in pain constantly everyday. Workman’s comp has refused to pay anything besides physical therapy. I had to use my own insurance to pay for the third injection that was part of a three shot series and part of a protocol for these shots.


Based upon the information you have provided, it is my opinion that you have sustained a compensable work injury that entitles you to receive benefits for lost time, medical expenses, and any permanent disability, if any, resulting from the injury.  If your employer or its workers’ compensation insurance carrier is refusing to provide benefits under the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Act, including payment for reasonable and necessary medical treatment relating to your injury, you have a right to a hearing before an Arbitrator at the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission – the court that hears such cases – in order to secure payment for the treatment that has been prescribed by your treating medical provider.
If you desire legal representation in your workers’ compensation case, or if you wish to discuss this matter in greater detail, please feel free to give us a call.   There will be no charge for the initial consultation.Learn More Here:How Long Does Workers’ Comp Last In Illinois?

What Doctors Can I Go To Under the Workers’ Compensation Act in Illinois?