Most Common Types of Brain Injuries from Car Accidents

Many people underestimate the force of a car accident until they experience one firsthand. In addition to the property damage, an unexpected jolt to the neck or blow to the head can cause lifelong disabilities or worse. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, car crashes are responsible for more than 14 percent…

What Kind of Automobile Insurance Do I Need?

  Suffering the Misery of Not Having Enough Insurance For a Few Hundred or Less, You can Protect Yourself Home and automobile insurance has changed and policy liability limits are so confusing many simply don’t realize they’re underinsured by today’s realities of risk. A frightening few have protection in the event of a severe injury, leading…

Common Causes of Wrongful Death in Illinois

Losing a loved one is a tragedy that no one should have to endure. When that loss is caused by the negligence of another, the aftermath can be even more traumatic. Although no amount of compensation can undo the emotional hardship, a Chicago wrongful death attorney may be able to help.

Responding to a Car Accident

  Accident Response 101: 3 Tips from a Chicago Personal-Injury Attorney If you were injured in a car accident, then you may face steep medical bills, and you may not be able to return to work. Many victims face overwhelming debt due to their financial losses after serious automobile accidents. A Chicago accident lawyer from…

Chicago Accident Lawyer Highlights Important Tire-Maintenance Tips

When most drivers think of vehicle safety features – airbags, seat-belts and anti-lock brakes come to mind. Many people forget that their tires are the only points of contact with the road, and as such, proper tire maintenance is essential for accident prevention. Tire malfunctions, such as flats and blowouts, are leading causes of crashes…

4 Collision Avoidance Systems for Safer Driving

  Insights from a Chicago Injury Lawyer Car accidents can happen at any time, but inclement weather contributes to a significant number of serious collisions. Snow, ice, rain and fog can all increase the likelihood of a crash – especially when drivers behave negligently or recklessly. If you were injured in a collision that another…

Maintaining Safe Speeds – Truck Drivers and Motorists

Truck accidents often end in devastating injuries that can cause long-term disabilities. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speeding causes 26 percent of truck wrecks, but these crashes can result from distracted driving, inclement weather and a range of other factors. If you were injured in a collision with a semi-truck, then you…

Tips for Driving in Heavy Traffic from a Chicago Accident Attorney

  5 Tips for Driving in Heavy Traffic from a Chicago Accident Attorney Traffic is not only a frustration for people with busy schedules, but it is also a dangerous hazard for all road users. When traffic slows unexpectedly, there is an increased risk of rear-end accidents, and frayed tempers can lead to poor decisions….

Tips for Responding to an Automobile Accident

Auto accidents can happen suddenly – sometimes without even the slightest warning. People with good driving records may feel safe, but nobody can control the actions of negligent motorists. In addition to physical pain, victims often face legal hurdles when trying to recover compensation for health-care bills, lost wages and other damages. Practicing safe driving…

The Insurance Company is Denying What is on a Police Report

  Question: My son and daughter were in a car accident. They were driving straight down a road when a truck taking a left turned out in front of them and my son swerved to avoid hitting the truck head on. The other driver was given a ticket for failure to yield to oncoming traffic…