4 Common Construction Site Dangers to be Aware of

Construction sites are generally dangerous places to work due to the amount of heavy machinery and equipment, unstable structures and other hazards on site. Because of these risks, serious injuries and fatalities are common, and there are many accidents in this industry each year.

3 Common Construction Site Hazards

30By their nature, construction sites are dangerous places to work. Unfinished buildings, trenches, power tools and exposure to outdoor elements all contribute to making construction work one of the most dangerous professions in the United States. According to the United States Department of Labor, more than 6 million people work at an estimated 250,000 construction…

5 Common Workplace Injuries

Workplace injuries are surprisingly common, and they can be debilitating if you do not handle them in the correct manner. Workplace injuries are not just a reality in high-risk professions like construction; they can affect anyone regardless of the job.

3 Important Questions Regarding Construction Accidents

  Important Questions Regarding Construction Accidents Construction workers play a vital role in social development by erecting houses, offices and bridges, as well as maintaining and repairing infrastructure. Their work is difficult and dangerous, and they operate in some of the most hazardous and taxing situations. Despite strict safety regulations, construction site accidents still occur,…

4 Construction Workers Injured in Chicago Building Site Accident

Working on a construction site is one of the most dangerous jobs in the country, and it is not uncommon for Chicago construction workers to sustain serious injuries or even die on the job. Construction work is critical to the development of any city, and if you are a construction worker, it is important that…

Chicago Construction Site Accident Rates Remain High

Thousands of construction workers suffer injuries on the job every year in the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, a large number of these are fatal. In 2013, there were a staggering 4,405 fatal work injuries recorded for U.S. workers, a large number of which took place at construction sites. While the…

Top Causes of Deadly Construction Accidents

According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration, 3,929 construction workers died on the job in 2013. Two hazards were responsible for approximately 50 percent of all those deaths. OSHA explains that falls accounted for 294, or 36.9 percent, of the fatalities. The second most common cause of accident was “struck by object” incidents, which…

Two Workers Injured in Highway Construction Accidents

Highway work zones are often busy, and workers are focused on their jobs. Highly trafficked roads need repairs more often than less busy ones, and more cars make construction workers’ jobs dangerous. Furthermore, diverting traffic generally involves an array of barrels, signs and frequent lane changes. Drivers who are already impaired, fatigued or distracted may…

3 Hazards that Cause Construction Accidents

Every job brings with it a unique set of hazards. Of course, some are worse than others. Desk jobs can induce carpal tunnel syndrome and strain the eyes, whereas linemen work at death-defying heights every day. Construction work consistently ranks high on lists of the most dangerous because employees face an incredibly large number of…

2 Common Factors that Cause Construction Accidents

Construction accidents are incredibly common in our country for a variety of reasons. Work-sites are dangerous by nature, but the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) issues safety guidelines that, when followed, reduce the chances for injury. Unfortunately, not every contractor follows those rules, and construction remains a dangerous profession. However, workers who are injured…