I was Misdiagnosed Due to My Injury Being a Comp Case

  Question: I was injured on the job 4/13/01 lifting equipment. I was sent to a surgeon because of a bulge and groin pain. The Doctor saw that it was a WC case and told me that “complicated matters” He did no physical exam and ordered a cat scan of the abdominal area. He put…

My Workers Comp Injury was not Diagnosed Properly

  Question: I’m a construction worker (Local #1 Ironworker). On June 18th, 2002, I was climbing a ladder extending from the second floor of the condominium we were building to the third floor. This particular day someone from one of the other trades cut the wires we used to keep the ladder from falling backwards…

My Employer Didn’t Believe I was Injured

  Question: Hi, i was injured on june 19 2006. i have had 2 herniated disks.now; its degenerative. I was injured by positioning heavy items on pallets. On January 9 2007 they fired me because i didn’t call or show up to work for 5 days. i kept telling the doctor i hurt more at…

Workers’ Comp at My Job Went Bankrupt

  Question: I was injured on my job over 1 1/2 yrs ago. Did get a lawyer, case was made and then found out that my workcomp on my job filed bankruptcy. My lawyer said it would go to the Illinois work commission. I call once in a while to see how it is going,…

When Should I Get a Workers Comp Lawyer?

  Question: Was lifting cases of antifreeze and restacking them two years ago at work when I injured my right shoulder. I have had two surgeries to try and correct this and I am getting ready to go and have my third surgery, to correct it. I am just fed up and don’t know what…

Workers’ Comp is Fighting My Injury Claim

  Question: On June 24th I was carrying a 4×8 sheet of plywood on the 8th floor roof when the wind caught the plywood and spun me around, twisting my back and bringing me to my knees. On June 25th I went to the doctor and found out that I tore the lat muscles on…

I was Told I Have a Herniated Disk… What Now?

  Question: I work as a laborer, Local 158, doing demolition using a jackhammer. My back started to hurt, my doctor took an MRI and said I have a herniated disc.

As I Pilot, I was Injured on the Job

  Question: I was involved in aircraft accident. I was the pilot and hit unmarked powerlines. Sustained broken legs and lacerations to head. Was working at the time of injury. –Bryson, Duncan, OK

My Husband Suffered a Heart Attack on the Way Home from Work

  Question: My husband died of a heart attack on his way home from work while he was driving his car. Someone told me that he was covered under workmans compensation.

Do I Need a Lawyer for My IME?

  Question: I tore my rotator cuff and had it repaired 10/19/01 and returned back to work on 4/15/02. I am going for my IME on Nov 25th 2002 and am not sure if I need a lawyer for this or just go it on my own. This is the first time anything like this…