One of the reasons that the construction industry is among the most dangerous in America is its reliance on machinery, from nail guns and tools designed to cut and break up building materials to heavy-duty vehicles.

Accidents involving heavy equipment can result in devastating injuries or loss of life. If a life-changing injury has impacted you or a loved one, you owe it to yourself and to your family be compensated for all damages, including economic and non-economic. Contact the Chicago construction equipment injury attorneys at Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates to learn how we can put our decades of experience to use for you.

chicago construction equipment injury lawyer

Litigators with Decades of Experience

Our Chicago personal injury lawyers at Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates have worked with thousands of clients in Illinois to help them receive compensation reflecting the true extent of their injuries. We have secured more than $1 billion for the injured and their families over our years in practice.

Our cases have included numerous events that other firms had considered too difficult to win. Some of our clients had even been told that they did not have a valid case or been advised to accept an unfair, low settlement offer.

If you have suffered a serious injury and are now facing consequences such as a lifelong disability, mounting medical expenses, lost income or reduced ability to earn a living, a disability settlement alone may not be sufficient to provide for your care, treatment, and your family.

Reach Out to Our Construction Equipment Injury Attorneys

We can determine the strength of your case through a no-cost consultation. This can be done by phone, or even by using the “Live Chat” function on this website. The sooner you contact us the better – every day counts. The more time we have to investigate, document and prepare your case, the better.

It’s also extremely helpful if we can have the opportunity to interview you and any witnesses while events are fresh. We will also have a greater chance of being able to gather critical evidence from the accident site.

Causes of Construction Equipment Accidents

It’s understood that construction work can be dangerous, even when all precautions are observed. However, there are factors that can create unacceptable risks to workers.

  • Inadequate training: A person who has not been properly trained in the use of the equipment that they are using poses danger to themselves and to others. It is the responsibility of those in charge of any construction activity to ensure that training occurs. This includes instructing all who will be working in the vicinity of equipment regarding its hazards and what they need to do to avoid putting themselves at risk. It can also include adequate training of those who supervise the use of the equipment.
  • Equipment malfunction: This has two aspects. Sometimes, equipment can fail because it was improperly designed or manufactured. In this case, the manufacturer is liable. Equipment can also fail because it has not been properly maintained.
  • Inadequate, missing, or non-functional protective gear: Workers must be provided with the protective equipment that is suitable for the task they are performing. Such items could include noise-canceling headphones, goggles, helmets, reflective vests, helmets, gloves, harnesses, etc. In every instance, these should be in working order.

Get the Help You Need for Your Equipment Injury Claim

The more serious your injury, the harder the road can be to reach the settlement you deserve. Horwitz, Horwitz & Associates has the resources to assume responsibility for all costs associated with your case. Best of all, we have the experience necessary to build a case that you can win.

You won’t be expected to pay us until we have achieved a settlement or verdict in your favor. Don’t wait any longer to contact us and get on the path to the compensation you deserve.

Looking for more information? Here are some helpful related articles :

What is permanent total disability benefits in workers comp?

Why does my employer need to investigate my work injury?